ಌ New Post ಌ
Body: ToddleeDoo - BabyGirl.
Head: ToddleeDoo Baby Mesh Head #Bento - ALICE.
Bikini: >Milia< Quinn Bikini NEW
Available 10 colors, Fatpack includes match HUD
Sizes, TD Baby and Bebe
Event @Roselline Open 25th June.
Flip Flop: LeMomo: Flip Flop - TD/Baby- Unrigged GIFT
Ice Cream: .SugarBun. Bear Ice Cream - Strawberry NEW
Available 5 flavors
Event @Anthem 30th June.
Hairclip: .SugarBun. Snap Hairclip - Plain - Pink
Available 2 sets with 8 colors each, Plains and Spotted.
Stickers: LeMomo: Hearts Stickers GACHA NEW
Available Commons, uncommons and Rare
Event @Roselline Open 25th June.
Credits: ಌ ToddleeDoo ಌ Milia ಌ LeMomo ಌ SugarBun ಌ
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