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Head: ToddleeDoo - Baby Mesh Head Bento (Opal).
Hair: Sintiklia - Hair Junko (Classy)
Each color includes 1 HUD with 32 colors / 1 style hud and a version Resizer/Unrigged.
19 Commons and 1 Rare
The RARE includes all the Uniforms and Shoes + Bonus Colors and Dirty Uniforms,
Sizes, TD Baby, Bebe and Youth.
Obs: more details in the photo below.
Uniform: Muriel - School Uniform (1)
Shoes: Muriel - School Uniform Shoes (6)
Glasses: Muriel - School Uniform - Glasses (17)
Milk: Muriel - School Lunchtime - Strawberry Milk (12)
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